
The Wall

by Daniella de Winter


a high wall stands between the student and the language learning

students with learning differences and language disorders feel blocked by an invisible wall

it is our duty to introduce and implement different approaches and different methods to bridge and overcome the differences

Dislexia e inglés – un enfoque distinto

by Florencia Fojgiel

qué es la dyslexia y como podes ayudar a tus hijos y alumnos a aprender inglés con éxito

conocé los principals conceptos sobre dislexia, como se manifiesta y cuales son sus características.

Los niños y niñas con dislexia tienen todas las condiciones para aprender un segundo idioma.

can we prevent reading challenges by starting early enough?

by Daniella de Winter


how do we train young toddlers to avoid global reading and prepare their brains for accurate decoding?


this article details how to train phonological awareness from a young age to prevent native speakers from becoming global readers.

in addition to storytelling, it's essential to focus on developing and training phonological awareness.

the highway to hope in successful learning

by Daniella de Winter

& Florencia Fojgiel

hope and confidence enhance positive learning which will lead to success



how to engage the discouraged student who has experienced failures to even want to meet a teacher

it is part of a teacher's job to instill confidence in/into his or her students


by Daniella de Winter


a little about the method to teach reading

a little about the importance of reading, the barrier of reading for dyslexic brains and some characteristics of the SoftRead method.

everyone can learn to read: native speakers and EFL students, with or without dyslexia. It all depends on the method, the facilitator and the dedication of both: the student and the facilitator.

The importance of logic

by Daniella De Winter

The importance of logic in the process of language learning.

the value of logic when teaching English to students with leaning challenges and differences

logic will enhance efficiency and long-term memory and retention

the teacher and the student
(the teacher’s role)

by Daniella de Winter

The importance of teachers in the learning process and the value of encouragement.

encouragement affects the learning process and shapes it

The teacher should build a relationship with the student over time, fostering a receptive attitude towards learning and an appreciation for the process. This will result in a positive change in the student's attitude and academic achievement.

the importance of deciphering

by Daniella De Winter

deciphering in the logic-based learning process

deciphering as an example of a logic-based approach to acquiring reading skills.

pre reading activities as deciphering make reading easier to acquire

The Power of Games

by Daniella de Winter

games enhance the effectiveness & enjoyment of the learning experience

games are mostly effective with demotivated students

the importance of language patterns

by Daniella De Winter

a fundamental concept for accurate language reproduction

EFL students must depend on patterns and structures when reproducing but students with language disorders find following patterns more difficult.

language disorder affects the ability to follow patterns and we, teachers, we need to "break" and defuse this resistance

Building Learning Readiness

by Daniella De Winter

Why Scaffolding Alone Is Not Enough

Readiness and Reading- how are they related to effective learning

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